How to Conduct a Panel Interview?

8 min read

How to Conduct a Panel Interview?

Conducting an effective interview is crucial for the growth of your company. Hence, we highly recommend conducting a panel interview instead of one-on-one interview.


But, how to conduct an effective panel interview?


Here we are discussing this question in detail, explaining all the essential guidelines to conduct a fruitful panel interview.


Many startups have limited resources that resist them from conducting a panel interview. If you are from one of such companies, we recommend using an Interview as a Service (IaaS) platform for conducting interviews.


It will help you stay away from the interview complexities and provide you with some finest candidates from the talent pool you have.


For now, let's move on and see how you can conduct a perfect panel interview in 2023 for your company:

How to Conduct a Panel Interview?


Conducting a panel interview involves having multiple interviewers evaluate a candidate's qualifications and suitability for a position. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a panel interview effectively:


  • Define Roles and Responsibilities: Clarify the roles and responsibilities of each panel member. Determine who will lead the interview, who will ask specific questions, and who will focus on assessing different aspects, such as skills, culture fit, or qualifications.


  • Prepare in Advance: Review the candidate's resume and the job description before the interview. Ensure that panel members are familiar with the candidate's background and the requirements of the role.


  • Set Clear Objectives: Define what you want to achieve with the interview. Are you assessing technical skills, cultural fit, leadership abilities, or a combination of factors? Communicate these objectives to the panel.


  • Develop a List of Questions: Prepare a list of questions that align with your objectives. Each panel member can have specific questions to ask. Ensure the questions are standardized to evaluate all candidates consistently.


  • Coordinate the Interview Logistics: Determine the date, time, and location of the interview. Ensure that all panel members are available, and schedule the interview with the candidate accordingly.


  • Create a Structured Interview Format: Outline the format of the interview. Typically, panel interviews include introductions, candidate responses to questions, and a chance for the candidate to ask questions. Ensure a balance between panel member questions and candidate responses.


  • Assign Roles During the Interview: Clearly define the roles of each panel member during the interview. For example, one member might focus on behavioral questions, another on technical questions, and another on assessing cultural fit.


  • Welcome the Candidate: Begin the interview with a warm welcome. Introduce the panel members and explain the interview format.


  • Ask Questions and Listen Actively: Panel members should take turns asking questions, allowing the candidate to respond. Listen actively and take notes. Ensure that the candidate has an opportunity to answer each panel member's questions.


  • Collaborate and Avoid Repetition: Panel members should collaborate and avoid asking the same questions repeatedly. This can make the interview overly long and repetitive.


  • Assess Cultural Fit: Evaluate the candidate's alignment with the company culture and values. Assess how well they would integrate into the team.


  • Encourage Candidate Questions: Allow the candidate to ask questions about the role, company, or team. This helps them assess if the company is the right fit for them.


  • Summarize and Conclude: End the interview with a summary of the next steps in the hiring process. Thank the candidate for their time and participation.


  • Debrief Afterward: After the candidate has left, convene a panel debrief to discuss impressions, strengths, weaknesses, and overall fit. Document your feedback and consider each panel member's perspective.


  • Make a Decision: Collaborate to make a hiring decision based on the collective input from the panel. Ensure that the decision aligns with the predefined objectives.


  • Provide Feedback: Whether the candidate is selected or not, provide timely and constructive feedback to help them understand the outcome and improve their future interviews.


Panel interviews can be highly effective for assessing candidates from different angles and making well-informed hiring decisions. However, it's essential to coordinate the process, maintain a consistent and fair approach, and ensure open communication among panel members.


Things to Remember While Conducting a Panel Interview


Conducting a panel interview can be a highly effective way to evaluate candidates, but it's essential to remember certain best practices and avoid common pitfalls. Here are some key things to remember and avoid when conducting a panel interview:


Things to Remember:


  • Preparation: Ensure that all panel members are well-prepared, familiar with the candidate's resume, and understand the job requirements.


  • Clear Objectives: Establish specific objectives for the interview and communicate them to the panel. Define what you're assessing, such as technical skills, cultural fit, or leadership abilities.


  • Role Definition: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each panel member. Assign specific areas of assessment to each member.


  • Structured Format: Create a structured interview format that includes introductions, candidate responses, and time for candidate questions. Stick to the format to ensure consistency.


  • Standardized Questions: Develop a set of standardized questions that align with your objectives. Panel members should use these questions to evaluate all candidates consistently.


  • Active Listening: Actively listen to the candidate's responses, and take notes during the interview. Avoid side conversations or distractions.


  • Collaboration: Encourage panel members to collaborate and share their impressions after the interview. This can lead to a more comprehensive assessment.


  • Cultural Fit Assessment: Assess cultural fit by asking questions related to company values, team dynamics, and the candidate's ability to integrate into the organization.


  • Candidate Feedback: Give the candidate a chance to ask questions and provide feedback about the role and the organization.


  • Timely Communication: Inform the candidate about the next steps in the hiring process and communicate the timeline for a decision.


Things to Avoid:


  • Unprepared Panel Members: Avoid having panel members who are unprepared or unfamiliar with the candidate's background. Lack of preparation can lead to ineffective interviews.


  • Repetition: Avoid asking the same questions repeatedly, as this can make the interview overly long and unproductive.


  • Bias and Discrimination: Guard against unconscious bias and discrimination. Ensure that all panel members are trained to recognize and mitigate bias.


  • Interrupting the Candidate: Avoid interrupting the candidate while they are responding to questions. Allow them to complete their thoughts.


  • Lack of Consistency: Ensure that the panel follows a consistent process for all candidates to maintain fairness and objectivity.


  • Diverging from Objectives: Stay focused on the predefined objectives of the interview. Avoid pursuing irrelevant lines of questioning.


  • Dominating the Interview: Panel members should take turns asking questions and avoid dominating the interview. Each member's input is valuable.


  • Neglecting Candidate Experience: Pay attention to the candidate's experience. Ensure they feel respected and valued throughout the interview process.


  • Rushed Decision-Making: Avoid making hasty decisions immediately after the interview. Take the time to discuss and assess the candidate thoroughly.


  • Lack of Feedback: Provide constructive feedback to the candidate, whether they are selected or not. Lack of feedback can lead to a negative candidate experience.


A well-organized panel interview can provide valuable insights into a candidate's qualifications and fit for the organization. By following these best practices and avoiding common mistakes, you can conduct more effective and fair panel interviews.

HyreSnap Interview as a Service


You can follow all these above given guidelines to conduct panel interviews in your company without any hurdle. However, you can also use HyreSnap Interview as a Service (IaaS) platform if you do not want to get indulged in the interview conducting process.


HyreSnap IaaS is an AI-based platform that has a workforce of 500+ subject matter experts. These professionals will conduct technical interviews on your company’s behalf and will give you analytical reports for every candidate’s performance so that you can select the best candidates.


You can check the additional features of this marvelous platform below:

The Bottom Line


A panel interview can enhance the quality of your selection and decision making during an interview in your company. Hence, we highly recommend following the above-mentioned instructions to conduct analytical panel interviews in your company.

Apart from this, if you need additional career or interview assistance, contact our experts at We will help you get rid of all interview complexities based on your requirements.