10+ Resume Writing Tips & Formats for Freshers in 2023

8 min read

Fresher Resume Building

In today's competitive job market, crafting an impressive resume is crucial for freshers looking to kick start their careers. 


Your resume is often the first impression you make on potential employers, so it's essential to get it right. 


Considering this, we are here with the answers of some fundamental resume building queries, including:


  • What are the suitable resume formats for freshers?
  • How to write a resume for freshers?
  • Is a cover letter important for a resume for freshers?


To dodge this process, you can use HyreSnap Online Resume Builder. It will help you craft a job-winning resume for fresher jobs in less than 15 minutes.


If you want to learn and craft a professional resume by yourself, follow these below-given resume writing tips and formats tailored to freshers in 2023:



Suitable Resume Formats For Freshers


As a fresher, choosing the right resume format is crucial to effectively showcase your skills, education, and any relevant experiences. Here are three suitable resume formats for freshers:



Chronological Resume Format


The chronological format is the most common and straightforward choice. It focuses on your work history in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job or educational experience. This format is suitable if you have some relevant work experience or internships to highlight.


Sections in a Chronological Resume:


  • Contact Information
  • Resume Objective or Summary (optional)
  • Education
  • Work Experience (if applicable)
  • Internships (if applicable)
  • Skills
  • Achievements or Projects (if applicable)
  • Extracurricular Activities (if relevant)


When to Use: If you have relevant work experience or internships and want to emphasize your career progression.


Functional Resume Format


The functional format shifts the focus from your work history to your skills and qualifications. It's an excellent choice if you lack substantial work experience but have developed relevant skills through education, projects, or extracurricular activities.


Sections in a Functional Resume:


  • Contact Information
  • Resume Objective or Summary (optional)
  • Skills (highlighted at the top)
  • Education
  • Achievements or Projects (emphasize these to showcase your abilities)
  • Extracurricular Activities (if relevant)


When to Use: If you're a fresher with limited work experience but want to emphasize your skills and qualifications.


Combination or Hybrid Resume Format


The combination format combines elements of both the chronological and functional formats. It allows you to highlight your skills and accomplishments while also presenting your work history in a more detailed manner. This format is suitable if you have some relevant work experience, but your skills and achievements are equally important.


Sections in a Combination Resume:


  • Contact Information
  • Resume Objective or Summary (optional)
  • Skills (highlighted at the top)
  • Work Experience (with emphasis on accomplishments)
  • Education
  • Achievements or Projects (emphasized)
  • Extracurricular Activities (if relevant)


When to Use: If you want to showcase both your skills and relevant work experience effectively.


Tips for Freshers:


  • Tailor your resume to the job you're applying for by highlighting skills and experiences relevant to the specific position.
  • Keep your resume concise, ideally fitting on one page.
  • Use action verbs and quantify your achievements where possible.
  • Include relevant coursework, certifications, or projects that demonstrate your skills and knowledge.
  • Proofread your resume for spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Include a professional email address and contact information.
  • Customize your resume objective or summary for each job application.
  • Prioritize content that demonstrates your ability to adapt, learn, and contribute to the organization.


Remember that your resume is your first impression on potential employers, so make it clear, concise, and compelling to increase your chances of landing interviews and kickstarting your career as a fresher.


How to Write a Resume For Freshers?


Writing a resume as a fresher can be a bit challenging since you likely have limited work experience. However, you can still create a compelling resume that highlights your skills, education, and potential. 


Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a resume for freshers:


Choose the Right Resume Format


As a fresher, you can use one of the following formats:


  • Chronological Resume: Focuses on your education and any relevant coursework or projects. This is a good choice if your education is strong and directly related to the job you're applying for.


  • Functional Resume: Emphasizes your skills, coursework, and extracurricular activities rather than work experience. Use this format if your work experience is limited, and you want to highlight your qualifications.


  • Combination Resume: A blend of both chronological and functional formats. It showcases your skills, education, and relevant coursework, while also including a brief work history section (if applicable).


Start with Contact Information


Include your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if you have one) at the top of your resume. Ensure your email address is professional.


Write a Compelling Resume Objective


Craft a concise and tailored resume objective or summary statement that highlights your career goals and what you can bring to the job. Mention any specific skills or qualities that make you a strong candidate.


Highlight Your Education


List your educational qualifications in reverse chronological order. Include details such as the name of the institution, degree earned, major or field of study, graduation date, and GPA (if it's impressive). Mention any relevant coursework, projects, or academic achievements.


Showcase Relevant Skills


Create a dedicated section to highlight your skills. Include both technical and soft skills that are relevant to the job you're applying for. For technical skills, specify your proficiency level.


Include Relevant Projects


If you've completed significant projects during your studies or as part of extracurricular activities, showcase them on your resume. Describe the projects, your role, and the outcomes or skills you gained.


Emphasize Extracurricular Activities


Highlight any extracurricular activities, clubs, or organizations you were involved in during school or college. This can demonstrate your leadership, teamwork, and interpersonal skills.


Volunteer Work or Internships


If you have relevant volunteer work or internships, include them in a separate section. Describe your responsibilities and accomplishments during these experiences, even if they were unpaid.


Tailor Your Resume


Customize your resume for each job application by aligning it with the specific job requirements and using keywords from the job posting.


Proofread and Edit


Carefully proofread your resume to eliminate spelling and grammatical errors. Ensure that the formatting is consistent and easy to read.


Keep It Concise


A freshers resume should ideally be one page in length. Focus on the most relevant information and avoid adding unnecessary details.


Use Action Verbs


Start bullet points with strong action verbs to describe your accomplishments and responsibilities.


Seek Feedback


Ask a mentor, professor, or trusted friend to review your resume and provide feedback.


Save in the Right Format


Save your final resume as a PDF file to ensure it retains its formatting when viewed on different devices.


Example Software Developer Resume For Freshers


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[LinkedIn Profile (if applicable)]




Enthusiastic and detail-oriented Computer Science graduate with a strong academic background and a passion for software development. Eager to kickstart a career as a software developer to apply my programming skills, problem-solving abilities, and commitment to delivering high-quality software solutions.




  • Programming Languages: Java, Python, C++
  • Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React (basic)
  • Database Management: SQL
  • Version Control: Git
  • Problem Solving: Strong analytical and troubleshooting skills
  • Soft Skills: Teamwork, Communication, Time Management




Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

[University Name], [City, State]

[Month, Year of Graduation]


Relevant Coursework


  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Software Engineering
  • Web Development
  • Database Management Systems
  • Operating Systems
  • Network Programming




1. Online Bookstore Web Application


  • Developed a web-based bookstore application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Implemented user registration, login, and product browsing functionality.
  • Designed a simple database schema for storing book information and user data.
  • Collaborated with a team of two to complete the project within a tight deadline.


2. Inventory Management System


  • Created a Java-based inventory management system for a mock retail store.
  • Designed a user-friendly interface for adding, updating, and deleting products.
  • Implemented data validation and error handling to enhance system robustness.
  • Successfully integrated the system with a MySQL database.


3. Personal Portfolio Website


  • Developed a personal portfolio website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Designed an attractive and responsive layout to showcase projects and skills.
  • Utilized version control (Git) for tracking changes and collaborating with others.




  • Certificate in Python Programming - [Online Course Provider], [Year]
  • Certificate in Java Programming - [Online Course Provider], [Year]


Extracurricular Activities


  • Member of the Computer Science Club at [University Name].
  • Participated in coding competitions and hackathons, including [Event Name].
  • Volunteered as a tutor for underprivileged students in a coding outreach program.




  • Fluent in English (written and spoken)




Available upon request.


Example Digital Marketing Resume For Freshers


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[LinkedIn Profile (if applicable)]




As a recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Marketing, I am excited to launch my career in digital marketing. I am eager to apply my knowledge, creativity, and analytical skills to help businesses succeed in the digital landscape and drive online growth.




Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing

[University Name], [City, State]

[Month, Year of Graduation]


Relevant Coursework


  • Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Web Analytics
  • Marketing Research




  • Digital Marketing: SEO, SEM, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing
  • Content Creation: Blogging, Copywriting, Content Calendar Management
  • Analytics: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Social Media Insights
  • Tools: WordPress, MailChimp, Hootsuite
  • Data Analysis: Excel, Data Visualization
  • Soft Skills: Creativity, Communication, Teamwork




1. Social Media Marketing Campaign for a Local Business


  • Developed and executed a social media marketing campaign for a local coffee shop.
  • Created engaging content, managed posting schedules, and monitored user engagement.
  • Achieved a 20% increase in social media followers and a 15% boost in online sales during the campaign.


2. SEO Optimization for Personal Blog


  • Improved the visibility of a personal blog through SEO techniques.
  • Conducted keyword research, optimized on-page content, and built quality backlinks.
  • Achieved a 40% increase in organic search traffic within three months.


3. Email Marketing Campaign for University Event


  • Led an email marketing campaign to promote a university event to students.
  • Designed visually appealing email templates and analyzed open and click-through rates.
  • Contributed to a 30% increase in event attendance compared to the previous year.




  • Google Ads Certification - [Year]
  • HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification - [Year]
  • Digital Marketing Fundamentals - [Online Course Provider], [Year]


Extracurricular Activities


  • Member of the Marketing Club at [University Name].
  • Participated in marketing-related workshops and seminars.
  • Volunteered as a social media coordinator for a non-profit organization.




  • Fluent in English (written and spoken)




Available upon request.


Example Software Tester Resume For Freshers


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[LinkedIn Profile (if applicable)]




Motivated and detail-oriented recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, seeking an entry-level position as a Software Tester. Eager to apply my analytical skills, attention to detail, and passion for ensuring software quality to contribute to the success of a dynamic software development team.




Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

[University Name], [City, State]

[Month, Year of Graduation]


Relevant Coursework


  • Software Testing and Quality Assurance
  • Programming Fundamentals
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Database Management Systems
  • Software Development Lifecycle
  • Test Automation (basic)
  • Agile Methodology




  • Testing Tools: Manual Testing, Selenium (basic)
  • Bug Tracking: JIRA
  • Programming Languages: Java, Python (basic)
  • Operating Systems: Windows, Linux
  • Test Case Design: Test Plans, Test Scenarios, Test Cases
  • Problem Solving: Strong analytical and troubleshooting skills
  • Soft Skills: Communication, Teamwork, Time Management




1. E-commerce Website Testing


  • Conducted manual testing of a mock e-commerce website.
  • Created and executed test cases to verify product ordering, user registration, and payment processing.
  • Documented and reported defects, collaborating with the development team to ensure timely resolution.


2. Bug Tracking System


  • Designed and implemented a basic bug tracking system using Java.
  • Developed a user-friendly interface for entering, tracking, and prioritizing defects.
  • Gained hands-on experience in bug tracking and management processes.


3. Team Project: University Registration System


  • Collaborated with a team to develop a university registration system.
  • Led the testing efforts by creating test plans, test cases, and test scenarios.
  • Conducted functional and integration testing to ensure system reliability.




  • ISTQB Foundation Level Certification - [Year]
  • Software Testing Fundamentals - [Online Course Provider], [Year]


Extracurricular Activities


  • Member of the Computer Science Club at [University Name].
  • Participated in coding competitions and hackathons.
  • Volunteered as a tutor for fellow students in software testing concepts.




Fluent in English (written and spoken)




Available upon request.


Example Content Writer Resume For Freshers



[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[LinkedIn Profile (if applicable)]




Recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in English Literature and a strong passion for writing. Seeking an entry-level position as a Content Writer to apply my creative writing skills, attention to detail, and ability to produce engaging and informative content that drives audience engagement and supports marketing goals.




Bachelor of Arts in English Literature

[University Name], [City, State]

[Month, Year of Graduation]


Relevant Coursework


  • Creative Writing
  • Technical Writing
  • Media and Communications
  • Copyediting and Proofreading
  • Digital Marketing (basic)
  • Content Strategy




  • Writing Styles: Creative, Technical, Blogging, SEO Writing (basic)
  • Content Management: WordPress, Content Calendar Management
  • Editing and Proofreading: Grammarly, Style Guides
  • Research: Effective online research and source citation
  • Soft Skills: Communication, Time Management, Attention to Detail




1. University Blog Contributions


  • Authored articles for the university's blog on a range of topics, including literature reviews, campus events, and student life.
  • Conducted research, wrote engaging content, and adhered to the university's style guidelines.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to promote blog posts on social media.


2. Freelance Content Writing


  • Worked as a freelance content writer, producing articles and blog posts for various clients.
  • Conducted research, crafted SEO-friendly content, and met tight deadlines.
  • Gained experience in writing for different industries, including travel, technology, and lifestyle.


3. Academic Research Paper


  • Conducted in-depth research and wrote a research paper on a literary analysis topic.
  • Followed academic research and citation standards, ensuring accurate source attribution.
  • Received positive feedback from the professor for the quality of research and writing.




  • Content Writing Certification - [Online Course Provider], [Year]
  • SEO Fundamentals - [Online Course Provider], [Year]


Extracurricular Activities


  • Member of the English Literature Club at [University Name].
  • Participated in poetry readings and literary events.
  • Contributed to the university newsletter as a writer and editor.




Fluent in English (written and spoken)




Available upon request.


Is a Cover Letter Important With Resume For Freshers?


Yes, a cover letter can be important when applying for jobs as a fresher. While it's not always mandatory, a well-crafted cover letter can enhance your job application in several ways:


  • Showcases Your Enthusiasm: A cover letter allows you to express your enthusiasm for the position and the company. You can explain why you're interested in the role and how it aligns with your career goals.


  • Highlights Your Skills: Use the cover letter to highlight specific skills or experiences that make you a strong fit for the job, especially if your resume is limited in terms of work experience.


  • Personalizes Your Application: It gives you the opportunity to personalize your application for each job. You can tailor the cover letter to address the company's needs and culture.


  • Explains Employment Gaps: If you have gaps in your resume or transitions that need explaining, a cover letter is a good place to address these without drawing too much attention to them on your resume.


  • Demonstrates Communication Skills: A well-written cover letter showcases your communication skills, which are often highly valued by employers.


  • Sets You Apart: Many applicants may skip the cover letter, so submitting one can set you apart from the competition and show that you're willing to go the extra mile.


HyreSnap Career Assistance


To craft a professional resume, you will need a lot of research and have to spend a lot of time. Hence, if you are a fresher, we recommend using HyreSnap Online Resume Builder, it will ease your resume building process with the power of artificial intelligence.


You can have a glance at the key features offered by this modern resume builder below:



Features of our 21st-century resume builder:
Intuitive Interface
Customisable Resume Templates
Unlimited Downloads
Unlimited Mock Tests
AI Resume Scoring
AI Job Matcher
AI Job Board
24X7 Chat Support



Key Takeaways


You can see all the essential resume writing tips and formats for freshers above. Additionally, we are listing the key takeaways of this knowledge base below:


  • Pick a suitable resume template and outline your resume with essential sections
  • Mention your training & internship experience instead of work experience
  • List all your projects made and their details in separate section
  • Use one-liner bullet points to write all your resume details
  • Add all your licenses and certifications separately to get recruiters’ attention
  • Proofread your resume after writing every part to minimize errors

If you need additional career-building or resume-making assistance, contact our experts at info@hyresnap.com. We will help you get your dream job in 2023.

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