Different Types of Interviews

5 min read

Type of Interviews

The world of interviews is diverse and dynamic, mirroring the ever-evolving landscape of the job market and the varying needs of employers. Interviews serve as the gateway to your dream job, providing the opportunity to showcase your skills, experiences, and personality. But did you know that interviews come in many different forms?


Here, we will explore the multifaceted world of interviews, shedding light on the various types you may encounter during your job search. From traditional one-on-one interviews to stress interviews and panel interviews, each type presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. 


To conduct these interviews, you must train your in-house interviewers with the latest technology. If not, you can also use HyreSnap Interview as a Service platform that offers modern interview outsourcing services to simplify your interview complexities.


So, let's dive into the fascinating realm of different types of interviews and discover how to navigate each one with confidence and success.



Different Types of Interviews


Interviews are an integral part of the hiring process, and they come in various formats to assess candidates from different angles. Here are some different types of interviews:


  • Traditional or Structured Interviews: These are the most common types of interviews where the interviewer asks a set of predetermined questions to assess a candidate's qualifications, skills, and fit for the role.


  • Behavioral Interviews: In this type of interview, candidates are asked to provide specific examples from their past experiences to demonstrate how they have handled situations, demonstrating their abilities and behavior in real-life contexts.


  • Situational Interviews: Candidates are presented with hypothetical scenarios related to the job and asked how they would handle them. This type of interview assesses problem-solving and decision-making skills.


  • Competency-Based Interviews: Interviewers assess specific competencies required for the job, such as leadership, teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. Candidates are asked to provide evidence of their proficiency in these areas.


  • Panel Interviews: Multiple interviewers, often from different departments or with different perspectives, conduct the interview. This approach helps obtain a comprehensive assessment of the candidate.


  • Group Interviews: Several candidates are interviewed simultaneously. Group interviews are commonly used for roles that require strong teamwork and interpersonal skills.


  • Technical Interviews: Typically used in technical fields, these interviews assess a candidate's specific skills, knowledge, and problem-solving abilities related to the job, often through technical questions and exercises.


  • Case Interviews: Common in management consulting and some financial industries, case interviews require candidates to analyze a complex business problem and provide recommendations.


  • Phone and Video Interviews: Initial screening interviews are often conducted over the phone or through video conferencing. These are typically used to narrow down the pool of candidates before in-person interviews.


  • Stress Interviews: Stress interviews are designed to put candidates under pressure to assess how they handle stress and adversity. They may involve challenging or unexpected questions.


  • Assessment Centers: Assessment centers involve a combination of interviews, group activities, and tests. Candidates go through a series of exercises and tasks to evaluate their skills and competencies.


  • Informal Interviews: These interviews may occur over a meal or a casual conversation, focusing on getting to know the candidate on a more personal level. They're often used for assessing cultural fit.


  • Skype or Video Conferencing Interviews: These interviews are conducted via video, allowing employers to assess a candidate's demeanor, communication skills, and presence when an in-person meeting isn't possible.


  • Sequential Interviews: In a sequential interview, a candidate meets with multiple interviewers or panels one after another, each evaluating different aspects of the candidate's qualifications.


  • Final Interviews: These interviews are the last step in the hiring process, where a candidate meets with senior management or decision-makers to confirm their suitability for the role.


How AI Can Help in Conducting Different Types of Interviews?


AI can significantly assist in conducting different types of interviews by streamlining the process, enhancing efficiency, and providing valuable insights. Here's how AI can be applied to various interview types:


Traditional or Structured Interviews


AI can assist in creating structured interview question sets, help automate scheduling, and provide real-time suggestions to interviewers during the interview based on the candidate's responses.


Behavioral Interviews


AI can analyze candidates' responses to behavioral questions, providing insights into their problem-solving skills, communication style, and emotional intelligence.


Situational Interviews


AI can generate and present hypothetical scenarios to candidates, assess their responses, and offer an analysis of their decision-making processes.


Competency-Based Interviews


AI can help create competency frameworks, track candidates' responses against these competencies, and provide a quantifiable assessment of their proficiency.


Panel Interviews


AI can assist in coordinating panel interviews by automating scheduling, sharing evaluation forms among panel members, and consolidating feedback for a comprehensive evaluation.


Group Interviews


AI can monitor and assess candidates' interactions in group interviews, providing insights into their teamwork, leadership, and interpersonal skills.


Technical Interviews


AI-driven technical assessments can evaluate candidates' coding, problem-solving, and domain-specific knowledge, providing a more objective and accurate assessment.


Case Interviews


AI can help generate and evaluate case interview scenarios, offering a standardized and unbiased assessment of candidates' analytical and problem-solving abilities.


Phone and Video Interviews


AI can be used for automated initial phone or video screenings, assess candidates' facial expressions, tone, and language use, and even perform text analysis to identify keywords and phrases.


Stress Interviews


AI can be used to simulate stressful scenarios, helping interviewers assess how candidates respond to pressure and adversity.


Assessment Centers


AI-driven assessment tools can create and evaluate exercises and tasks in an assessment center, offering a comprehensive analysis of candidates' skills and behaviors.


Informal Interviews


AI can assist in coordinating informal interviews, including scheduling and sending reminders, to ensure a seamless process.


Skype or Video Conferencing Interviews


AI tools can improve the quality of video interviews by enhancing audio and video quality, transcription services, and even language translation for global interviews.


Sequential Interviews


AI can assist in coordinating sequential interviews, ensuring a smooth transition between interviewers and helping with feedback consolidation.


Final Interviews


AI-driven interview analytics can help decision-makers in final interviews by providing data-driven insights into a candidate's strengths and weaknesses.


HyreSnap Interview as a Service


You can use the above given information to train recruiters in your company and conduct different type of interviews. However, you can use HyreSnap Interview as a Service (IaaS) platform if you do not want to invest time and resporses for company interviews.


HyreSnap IaaS is an interview outsourcing platform that helps in conducting technical interviews for a company. Below you can check the highlighting features of this modern interview outsourcing platform:



Features of HyreSnap Interview Service:
Faster interviews
Structured interviews
Cost Efficiency
Customizable Functionality
500+ subject matter experts
1500+ interview frameworks



The Bottom Line


We have listed all the essential details and guidelines that will help you conduct analytical interviews in your company. Still, if you come across any hurdle, please contact our experts at info@hyresnap.com. We will help you get through all your interview hurdles in 2023.