5+ Reasons Why Human Factor is Essential For Candidate Screening

6 min read

Human Intelligence For Candidate Screening

In today's era of technological advancement, the integration of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various aspects of recruitment. 


Automated systems can efficiently sift through resumes, analyze keywords, and even conduct preliminary assessments. 


However, while these technologies offer undeniable efficiency, they cannot replace the irreplaceable: the human factor. 


When it comes to candidate screening, the role of human expertise remains pivotal for several compelling reasons.


Hence, if you are choosing an interview outsourcing platform for your company, ensure that it is using human intelligence with machine learning like HyreSnap Interview as a Service platform.


And, in case you are using an in-house hiring automation tool, follow these guidelines for effective hiring results:



Cons of Screening Automation


While screening automation can offer several benefits in terms of efficiency and consistency, there are also potential drawbacks or cons to consider. It's essential to consider these factors before implementing screening automation in your hiring process. Here are some cons of screening automation:


  • Lack of Human Interaction: Automation removes the human touch from the initial stages of screening. Candidates may feel disconnected or frustrated by the absence of personal interaction and communication.


  • Candidate Experience: A poor or impersonal automated screening process can negatively impact the candidate experience. Candidates may perceive your organization as indifferent or uninterested in their application.


  • Unintentional Bias: Automated screening systems can inadvertently perpetuate biases present in the data they are trained on. The system may make unfair decisions if the training data includes biased or discriminatory patterns.


  • False Positives/Negatives: Automated screening algorithms may produce false positives (advancing unqualified candidates) or false negatives (rejecting qualified candidates), leading to missed opportunities or inefficient evaluations.


  • Complexity and Customization: Designing, implementing, and fine-tuning automated screening systems can be complex and time-consuming. Customizing the system to align with your organization's unique requirements may also be challenging.


  • Inflexibility: Automated systems may lack the ability to adapt to nuanced or evolving job requirements or candidate profiles, leading to rigid screening criteria that don't capture a candidate's full potential.


  • Technical Glitches: Automated systems can experience technical glitches, downtime, or errors that disrupt the screening process and delay candidate evaluations.


  • Cost Considerations: Developing and maintaining a sophisticated automated screening system can incur significant costs, especially for small to medium-sized businesses.


  • Time-Consuming Implementation: Implementing an automated system requires time and resources to integrate with existing software, train HR teams, and ensure a smooth transition.


  • Loss of Context: Automated systems may miss valuable context that a human reviewer would consider, such as career gaps, unconventional career paths, or unique skills that don't fit standardized criteria.


  • Complex Resumes: Some automated systems may struggle to accurately parse or interpret complex or unconventional resume formats, potentially leading to misinterpretation of a candidate's qualifications.


  • Candidate Perception: Over-reliance on automation may give the impression that your organization values technology more than human interaction, potentially deterring candidates who value personal connections.


  • Limited Feedback: Automated rejection notifications often lack specific feedback, making it difficult for candidates to understand why they were not selected and preventing them from improving their applications in the future.


  • Regulatory Compliance: Automated systems must adhere to data protection and privacy regulations, which can be challenging to manage and ensure, particularly when handling sensitive candidate information.



Why are Human Experts Essential for Screening Candidates?


While screening automation can enhance efficiency and consistency in the candidate selection process, human experts play a critical role that cannot be entirely replaced. Human involvement brings a level of nuance, judgment, and empathy that is essential for making well-informed and fair decisions. 


Here are several reasons why human experts are essential for screening candidates:


  • Contextual Understanding: Human experts can consider a candidate's unique background, experiences, and career trajectory in the context of the specific job role. They can better evaluate unconventional paths, career gaps, and transferable skills that automated systems might overlook.


  • Complex Decision-Making: Screening candidates often involves tough decisions that go beyond quantifiable data. Human experts can weigh various factors, such as cultural fit, soft skills, and potential, which are difficult to quantify and automate.


  • Adaptability: Human experts can adapt screening criteria based on evolving job requirements, changing industry trends, and the organization's evolving needs. They have the flexibility to make adjustments that automated systems may struggle with.


  • Cognitive Skills: Human reviewers possess cognitive skills such as critical thinking, intuition, and creativity that are difficult for automation to replicate. These skills are crucial for evaluating candidates' problem-solving abilities and potential contributions.


  • Unconscious Bias Mitigation: Human experts are more capable of recognizing and mitigating unconscious biases that may influence hiring decisions. They can make judgments based on a holistic candidate assessment rather than relying solely on algorithmic patterns.


  • Personalized Communication: Human interaction provides a personalized touch that candidates appreciate. Clear and empathetic communication during the screening process enhances the candidate experience and reflects positively on the organization.


  • Candidate Motivation: Human interaction can motivate candidates to put their best foot forward. The involvement of a human expert can inspire candidates to provide additional context, showcase their enthusiasm, and highlight their relevant skills.


  • Handling Complexity: Some roles, industries, and job functions require a deep understanding that human experts possess. For example, technical roles may demand specific domain knowledge that automated systems might lack.


  • Feedback and Development: Human experts can provide valuable feedback to candidates, offering constructive insights that candidates can use to improve their applications and skills for future opportunities.


  • Intuitive Judgment: Human reviewers can leverage their intuition and experience to make informed decisions. This is particularly valuable when assessing soft skills, cultural fit, and potential contributions to team dynamics.


  • Dynamic Interaction: Interviews and discussions with human experts provide a dynamic interaction that allows for follow-up questions, clarification, and deeper exploration of a candidate's background and experiences.


  • Ethical and Complex Situations: In cases involving ethical dilemmas, legal considerations, or sensitive situations, human experts are better equipped to navigate complex decision-making with empathy and a holistic perspective.


HyreSnap Interview as a Service


The human factor is equally important as technology to hiring suitable candidates for your company. 


Hence, HyreSnap Interview as a Service has built a massive force of 500+ subject matter experts along with an AI-based interview outsourcing platform to help you hire the best talent in the market.


Below you can see the highlighting features offered by the HyreSnap IaaS platform:



Features of HyreSnap Interview Service:
Faster interviews
Structured interviews
Cost Efficiency
Customizable Functionality
500+ subject matter experts
1500+ interview frameworks



The Bottom Line


A machine can help humans in analyzing things, but it can net replace human intelligence in terms of decision making. Hence, we recommend using human factors, too, while screening candidates for your company.


For additional hiring assistance, you can contact HyreSnap experts at info@hyresnap.com. We will help you hire suitable candidates for your company without any complications.