Strength And Weakness In Resume: Best Examples For 2023

3 min read

strengths and weaknesses on a resume

Writing about your strength and weakness on a resume can be a key factor in landing your dream job. It not only showcases your skills and accomplishments but also displays your self-awareness and willingness to learn and grow. 


Highlighting your strength in resume can demonstrate what you can bring to the table and why you are the ideal candidate for the job. 


On the other hand, identifying and addressing your weaknesses shows that you have a growth mindset and are committed to personal and professional development. 


It also gives employers a more complete picture of who you are as a candidate, which can make you stand out from the competition. 

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By including both strength and weakness in your resume, you can present yourself as an honest and transparent candidate who is willing to work hard to achieve success.


In This blog, we will cover all aspects related to strengths and weakness in resume along with the following queries:



  • How To Write Weakness For Resume?
  • List of Weaknesses In Resume With Example?
  • Examples For Strength In Resume?
  • Importance of Writing Weakness In Resume?
  • Importance of Writing Strengths In Resume?



Also Read:

Personal Strength In Resume

Strength In Resume For Fresher



How To Write Weakness For Resume?


Including weaknesses on your resume can be a tricky task, as you don't want to highlight weaknesses that could disqualify you from the job. 


However, if done tactfully, mentioning a weakness can actually help you stand out and show your self-awareness and ability to learn and improve. Here's an example of how you could include a weakness on your resume:


Weakness Example: Public speaking 



I have a tendency to feel nervous when speaking in front of large groups of people, but I've actively worked to overcome this weakness by joining Toastmasters and practicing my public speaking skills. In fact, I recently gave a presentation to a group of 50 people and received positive feedback on my delivery and content.



In this example, the candidate acknowledges a weakness (public speaking) but also demonstrates their ability to overcome it by joining Toastmasters and actively working to improve. They also provide a specific example of when they successfully gave a presentation to a large group. 



List of Weakness in Resume With Example




While having high standards can be a strength, perfectionism can sometimes lead to unnecessary stress or a tendency to get bogged down in details. 



"I have a tendency to be a perfectionist, which can sometimes slow me down when it comes to completing tasks. However, I've learned to balance my desire for excellence with the need to prioritize and meet deadlines.".



Taking criticism


Difficulty in taking criticism can affect the ability to receive feedback and improve performance. 



"I sometimes have a hard time receiving constructive criticism, but I have been working on being more open-minded and taking feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve."



Delegating tasks


Some people may struggle with delegating tasks to others, which can lead to burnout or micromanagement. 



"I sometimes have difficulty delegating tasks, but I've been working on building a stronger team and learning to trust my colleagues to handle certain responsibilities."





Struggling to adapt to changes or new situations can affect productivity and teamwork. 



"I can sometimes struggle with flexibility, but I have been working on developing a growth mindset and seeking out new challenges to help me become more adaptable."



Taking criticism


Difficulty in taking criticism can affect the ability to receive feedback and improve performance. 



"I sometimes have a hard time receiving constructive criticism, but I have been working on being more open-minded and taking feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve."



Examples For Strength In Resume


Leadership skills


If you have experience leading a team or project, highlighting your leadership skills can demonstrate your ability to motivate and guide others towards achieving common goals.



"Demonstrated strong leadership skills in previous roles, effectively managing teams to accomplish complex projects on time and within budget."



Communication skills


Good communication skills are highly valued in many industries. If you can communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders, it can set you apart from other candidates.



"Proven ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and concisely, resulting in improved collaboration and more successful outcomes."



Problem-solving skills


Employers value candidates who can think critically and come up with creative solutions to complex problems.



"Expert problem-solver with a track record of finding innovative solutions to challenging business problems."



Technical skills


If you have expertise in a particular software or technology, highlighting your technical skills can make you a more attractive candidate in a tech-focused industry.



"Proficient in a wide range of programming languages, frameworks, and software tools, with a strong understanding of current trends and best practices in the field."



It's important to remember to tailor your strengths to the specific job you're applying for. Choose strengths that align with the job requirements and highlight how your skills and experiences make you the ideal candidate for the position.



Importance of Writing Weakness In Resume


While it may seem counterintuitive to include weaknesses on a resume, doing so can actually be beneficial in certain situations. Here are some potential reasons why you might want to consider including weaknesses on your resume:



Showing self-awareness


By acknowledging your weaknesses, you demonstrate that you have a level of self-awareness and a willingness to improve. This can be an attractive trait to potential employers who value humility and a growth mindset.



Highlighting strengths


Sometimes weaknesses can be a flip side of a strength. For example, someone who struggles with perfectionism might be excellent at attention to detail. By highlighting a weakness, you can showcase your related strengths.





Being upfront about your weaknesses can help you build trust with potential employers. If you're hired and the weakness becomes apparent later, it can damage the trust you've built with your employer.


However, it's important to be strategic about how you present your weaknesses. Instead of simply listing them, use them as an opportunity to showcase your ability to learn and grow. 


For example, you might mention a weakness that you've actively worked to improve, or one that you're taking steps to address.



Importance of Writing Strengths In Resume


Writing about your strengths on your resume is very important, as it allows potential employers to quickly and easily understand what makes you a strong candidate for the job. Here are some potential benefits of including your strengths on your resume:



Highlighting your qualifications


By listing your strengths, you can emphasize your most relevant qualifications for the job. This helps potential employers quickly identify what makes you a good fit for the position.



Showing your value


When you highlight your strengths, you demonstrate the value you can bring to the company. This can help potential employers see how you can contribute to their team and help them achieve their goals.



Setting you apart from other candidates


In a competitive job market, it's important to stand out from other candidates. Highlighting your strengths can help you differentiate yourself and make a positive impression on potential employers.


It's important to note that when listing your strengths, you should focus on those that are most relevant to the job you're applying for. 


You should also be specific and provide examples of how you've demonstrated those strengths in previous roles or experiences. This helps potential employers understand how your strengths translate to the specific job requirements.



HyreSnap Career Assistance


You can design beautiful resumes in just 10 minutes with the help of the HyreSnap resume builder. By using the automated AI keyword suggestion feature, it is also possible to match the resume with the necessary job description. 


You can check your resume's score after creating it and then take the AI recommendations to heart to raise it.



Features of HyreSnap Resume Builder
Unlimited resume downloads
Mock interviews
24X7 chat support
AI-based job search
AI-based resume scan



Key Takeaways
Writing about your strengths and weaknesses on a resume can demonstrate your self-awareness and willingness to learn and grow.
Including your strengths can showcase what you can bring to the table and make you a more attractive candidate.
Identifying your weaknesses and discussing how you are working to improve them can demonstrate your commitment to personal and professional development.
Including both strengths and weaknesses on a resume can give employers a more well-rounded view of who you are as a candidate and make you stand out from the competition.
It's important to tailor your strengths and weaknesses to the specific job you're applying for to demonstrate why you are the ideal candidate for the position.



You can also contact our specialists at with any questions you may have regarding your job. We owe it to you to assist you in building a successful career in this period of intense competition.



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