10+ Interviewing Skills For Interviewers

5 min read

Interview Skills

The art of conducting interviews is a multifaceted skill that can significantly impact an organization's success. Whether you're an HR professional, a hiring manager, or a business owner, mastering interviewing skills is essential in selecting the right candidates who will contribute to your company's growth and success.


In this blog, we'll explore 10+ crucial interviewing skills that every interviewer should possess. These skills go beyond the ability to ask questions; they encompass the art of evaluating, connecting, and making informed decisions. 


Whether you're conducting job interviews, client meetings, or employee assessments, these skills will be your toolkit for finding the perfect fit. Hence, if you and your recruitment team lack these skills, we recommend using HyreSnap Interview as a Service (IaaS) platform.


For now, let us check the most effective and essential skills you must possess to conduct fruitful interviews in 2023:



10+ Interviewing Skills For Interviewers


Interviewing is a skill that goes beyond simply asking questions. Effective interviewers possess a range of skills that help them assess candidates accurately and make well-informed hiring decisions. Here are 10+ interviewing skills for interviewers:


  • Active Listening: Pay close attention to the candidate's responses, showing that you are engaged and interested in what they have to say. This helps build rapport and ensures you don't miss important details.


  • Empathy: Understand and relate to the candidate's perspective, making them feel more comfortable during the interview. Empathy helps you connect on a personal level.


  • Communication: Clearly articulate the purpose of the interview, ask questions effectively, and provide detailed information about the role and company. Good communication fosters a positive candidate experience.


  • Questioning Techniques: Develop the skill to ask open-ended questions that encourage candidates to provide detailed responses. Avoid leading or biased questions to gather authentic information.


  • Follow-up Questions: Master the art of asking follow-up questions to dig deeper into a candidate's responses, especially when you sense there's more to the story.


  • Behavioral Questioning: Craft questions that prompt candidates to provide specific examples from their past experiences. This technique helps assess their behavior and problem-solving abilities.


  • Situational Questioning: Use hypothetical scenarios to gauge how candidates might approach challenges in the role. It assesses their ability to handle real-life situations.


  • Technical Proficiency: If interviewing for technical roles, acquire sufficient knowledge of the technology or domain to ask relevant questions and evaluate candidates' technical skills.


  • Body Language Reading: Learn to interpret non-verbal cues such as eye contact, posture, and facial expressions to gain insights into a candidate's confidence, truthfulness, and comfort level.


  • Critical Thinking: Apply critical thinking skills to assess candidates objectively, analyze their responses, and evaluate their qualifications against the job requirements.


  • Adaptability: Be flexible during interviews, adapting your approach based on the candidate's personality and communication style. This ensures a more productive conversation.


  • Time Management: Conduct interviews within the scheduled time frame to respect both the candidate's and your own time. Plan the interview agenda to cover essential topics efficiently.


  • Note-Taking: Develop a system for taking concise but comprehensive notes during interviews. These notes are valuable for reference during the decision-making process.


  • Bias Awareness: Be aware of personal biases and work to minimize their impact on your assessment of candidates. Consider using structured interview questions and evaluation rubrics to reduce bias.


  • Confidentiality: Maintain the confidentiality of candidates' personal and professional information, ensuring that sensitive data is not shared or mishandled.


  • Feedback Delivery: Provide constructive feedback to candidates, regardless of whether they are selected or not. Constructive feedback can help candidates grow and maintain a positive impression of your organization.


  • Decision-Making: Gather feedback from all interviewers involved in the process and use a structured approach to evaluate and compare candidates to make data-driven hiring decisions.



Should Interviewers Use AI to Conduct Interviews?


Interviewers can use AI to assist in various aspects of the interview process, but the extent to which AI should be used depends on several factors and the nature of the job role. Here are some considerations regarding the use of AI in interviews:


Pros of Using AI in Interviews


  • Efficiency: AI can help streamline repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as resume screening and scheduling, allowing interviewers to focus on the core aspects of the interview process.


  • Standardization: AI can ensure consistency in the interview process, asking all candidates the same set of questions and providing a structured evaluation framework.


  • Objective Assessment: AI can provide objective and data-driven insights into candidate performance, reducing the influence of bias and subjectivity.


  • Skill Assessments: AI-driven tests and assessments can accurately evaluate technical or job-specific skills, particularly in roles where such skills are critical.


  • Candidate Experience: Automated scheduling, reminders, and follow-up communications can enhance the candidate experience by providing a seamless and professional process.


Cons of Using AI in Interviews


  • Bias and Fairness: If not carefully designed and trained, AI systems can perpetuate biases present in historical data. Human oversight is crucial to ensure that AI decisions are fair and unbiased.


  • Lack of Personal Touch: AI, particularly in the form of chatbots or automated interviews, can lack the personal touch and empathy that human interviewers provide, potentially leading to a negative candidate experience.


  • Complex Judgments: Certain aspects of interviews, such as assessing soft skills, cultural fit, and complex decision-making, are challenging for AI to gauge accurately.


  • Technical Challenges: AI systems may encounter technical issues or misinterpret candidate responses, leading to inaccuracies and frustration.


Considerations for Using AI in Interviews


  • Job Role: The suitability of AI in interviews depends on the job role. For technical or data-driven positions, AI assessments may be highly effective, while roles requiring strong interpersonal skills may benefit less from AI involvement.


  • Ethical Use: Ensure that AI is used ethically and transparently, taking steps to mitigate bias and protect candidate privacy. Carefully evaluate AI vendors and solutions for compliance with relevant regulations.


  • Human Oversight: While AI can assist in the interview process, human interviewers should maintain an active role, providing the personal touch and judgment that AI lacks.


  • Candidate Feedback: Always seek feedback from candidates regarding their experience with AI-driven interviews to identify any potential issues and make improvements.


In short, AI can be a valuable tool in the interview process, but it should be used judiciously and in ways that align with the goals and requirements of the specific role. Human judgment and interaction remain critical in assessing factors like cultural fit and interpersonal skills, which AI may not fully capture.


HyreSnap Interview as a Service


You can check all these above given interview skills to improve your recruitment process in 2023. Moreover, if you are unable to upgrade your skill set or unsure about your team’s interview capabilities, please use HyreSnap Interview as a Service platform.


It is an AI based interview outsourcing platform that can conduct technical interviews on your company’s behalf and give you analytical reports on every candidate’s performance. You can check its key offerings below:



Features of HyreSnap Interview Service:
Faster interviews
Structured interviews
Cost Efficiency
Customizable Functionality
500+ subject matter experts
1500+ interview frameworks



The Bottom Line


These above-mentioned interview skills are essential to conduct effective interviews in 2023. Hence, we highly recommend learning them for the betterment of your company. Apart from this, if you have any confusion or hiring hurdles, our experts will be happy to help. You can reach out to HyreSnap experts at info@hyresnap.com for any kind of interview assistance.