10 tips to help you conduct a technical interview like a pro

3 Min read

A technical interview is a job interview that assesses a candidate's technical skills and knowledge. Technical interviews are usually conducted by company recruiters, hiring managers, or human resources personnel.

The purpose of a technical interview is to evaluate a candidate's ability to perform the essential duties of the job they are applying for. Technical interviews are also used to assess a candidate's problem-solving skills and their ability to think on their feet.

Technical interviews often involve questions about specific technologies or technical concepts. The interviewer will also assess the candidate's communication skills and their ability to explain complex technical concepts in simple terms.

The interviewer may also ask the candidate to solve a problem or write a piece of code on a whiteboard. This is to assess the candidate's practical skills and their ability to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios.


Here are 10 tips to help you conduct a technical interview like a pro:


1. Do your research


Before you start the interview, it is important to do your research on the company and the role that the candidate is applying for. This will help you to ask more relevant and targeted questions.


2. Prepare a list of questions


Prepare a list of questions in advance so that you can make the most of the time you have with the candidate. Make sure to mix up the order of the questions so that you can keep the candidate on their toes.


3. Ask probing questions


Asking probing questions will help you to get a better understanding of the candidate's thought process and how they would approach a problem.


4. Listen more than you talk


It is important to give the candidate the opportunity to speak and to explain their answers. Listening more than you talk will also help to put the candidate at ease.


5. Be patient


Don't be afraid to give the candidate time to think about their answer. Rushing them will only make them feel more flustered and could lead to them giving a less than ideal answer.


6. Encourage the candidate to ask questions


At the end of the interview, encourage the candidate to ask questions. This will give you an insight into their level of interest in the role and the company.


7. Take notes


Taking notes during the interview will help you to remember the key points that the candidate has made. It will also come in handy when you are writing up your report on the interview.


8. Be fair


It is important to be fair when you are assessing the candidate. Try to avoid any personal biases that you may have.


9. Give feedback


Give the candidate feedback on their performance at the end of the interview. This will help them to improve for future interviews.


10. Follow up


Make sure to follow up with the candidate after the interview. This will show them that you are interested in their development and give them the opportunity to ask any questions that they may have.


Make sure to follow up with the candidate after the interview. This will show them that you are interested in their development and give them the opportunity to ask any questions that they may have.