How to write a follow up email after interview
5 Min read

You just concluded a job interview for your ideal position, and now you're wondering what to do next. You might exhale with relief after completing a much-anticipated job interview.
The challenging part is finished! Up to the point where you must follow up with the recruiting manager to confirm your interest in the position. You can consider writing an email to interviewer for increasing your chance of qualifying.
After a job interview, sending a follow-up email might serve more purposes than merely being polite.
It provides the candidate a chance to express their continued interest in and passion for the position, and it keeps them in the hiring manager's thoughts.
Survey reveals that 57% of applicants fail to send them, easy math, right? More than half of the competitors will fall behind you if you send a thank-you email after your interview.
This crucial stage is frequently skipped, yet it has the power to create or ruin your reputation as a job applicant.
You may be sure to present yourself in the best possible way with your insider advice and practical examples on how to send a follow-up email after an interview.
The same day after the interview, follow up with hiring managers is a great method to demonstrate professionalism and interest. Within 24 hours after the interview, job candidates should write a thank-you email to the interviewers. After a week following the interview, you can follow up with another email if you haven't heard anything.
As 46 percent of recruiters and hiring managers prefer email communication, candidates should do this via email. Only 2 out of 5 hiring managers prefer phone calls, keep to the tried-and-true follow-up email if you're unsure whether calling your recruiting manager would be acceptable.
Making contact with the people you spoke with throughout each round of the hiring process demonstrates your gratitude and enthusiasm for the job.
Your chances of moving on to the next interview and ultimately earning an offer will probably improve as a result.
It allows you the chance to highlight the value you would bring to the organization you are interviewing with and to reiterate your interest in a position.
It also demonstrates great soft skills to write a thoughtful follow-up email in which you convey your enthusiasm for the position, thank the reader for their time, and include stories from your chat.
Employers will place a high value on applicants who demonstrate respect, communication, and active listening abilities because these qualities are more challenging to teach in the job.
You will become a more memorable prospect as a result of having more communication opportunities than applicants who did not send a follow-up.
Introduce yourself formally and use the recruiting manager's name.
Send individual follow-up notes to each person you interviewed if you did.
Thank for the chance, and please express your continued interest in the position.
Mention specific business strategies that you mentioned during the interview in the follow-up.
Indicate how your knowledge and abilities may address their problems.
Mention that you're willing to give the hiring manager any extra information they might need, and state the date on which a decision will be made.
Thank your interviewer for their time at the outset of your follow-up email. Make careful to emphasize how your skills fit the position.

Components of a follow-up email (image from
To select phrases or points from your interaction that will ring true with the reader, go back to your interview notes and the job description.
Reiterate your interest in the role and your belief that you are the ideal candidate for the position to demonstrate your excitement for the job.
Here are the points you should keep in mind while writing a follow-up email after an interview
Mention the precise job title in your opening sentence, thank your interviewer for their time, and indicate that you are still interested in the position and the organization.
A follow-up email's body should be incredibly brief and direct.
Describe Your Interests, Objectives, And Experience
Make a note of the company name as well as a topic of discussion and/or objective that stood out as particularly relevant to the individual you spoke with. Put the point in the context of your interests and experience.
Keep it brief and direct while being as descriptive as you can.
Differentiate Yourself From Other Applicants
Include a summary remark on what makes you stand out as a candidate and what you'll bring to this new opportunity in the final paragraph. Close by inviting them to ask you any additional questions and expressing your eagerness to hear back.
Addition of Closing Paragraph
Finish with a succinct paragraph that discusses the following stages and inquires as to if any additional information is needed from you. If a request for more information was made during the interview, you might note it.
Your Signature and Contact Information
Include your signature and contact details before closing the email. Select a respectful and professional closing like "Thank you." "Best," or "Sincerely,".
You can still attempt to keep in touch with the hiring manager if you still haven't heard back after following up or if you've learned that you weren't offered the position. This follow-up email is intended to create a business connection with someone who can further your career. for staying in touch email here is the follow up mail sample/format.

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