What Hiring Metrics You Must Track in 2023?

5 min read

Hiring Metrics

Is it important to track different metrics while hiring candidates?


Indeed, tracking hiring metrics will help you check the candidates' performance, skills, and capabilities.


Hence, we highly recommend you track hiring metrics after the interview round. It will help you hire the best candidates for your company.


You need an expert interviewer in your company to track essential hiring metrics. If you don’t have one by your side, we suggest you use HyreSnap Interview as a Service platform.


Assuming that you have an expert interviewer in your company, below are some tips and guidelines to track hiring metrics in your company:



What are Hiring Metrics?


Hiring metrics are quantitative measures used to assess and evaluate various aspects of the recruitment and hiring process. These metrics provide valuable insights into the effectiveness, efficiency, and success of the hiring efforts. They help organisations track key performance indicators (KPIs) related to their talent acquisition strategies and make data-driven decisions to improve their hiring processes.



Why to Track Hiring Metrics?


Tracking hiring metrics is crucial for several reasons:


  • Performance Evaluation: Hiring metrics provide insights into the effectiveness and efficiency of the recruitment and hiring process. By tracking key metrics, organisations can evaluate their performance, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimise their hiring strategies.


  • Identify Bottlenecks and Delays: Hiring metrics help identify bottlenecks and delays in the recruitment process. For example, if time-to-fill metrics show prolonged vacancy periods, it indicates potential inefficiencies in sourcing, screening, or decision-making. Tracking metrics helps pinpoint areas where improvements can be made to streamline the process.


  • Cost Optimization: Hiring metrics, such as cost-per-hire, enable organisations to assess the financial efficiency of their hiring efforts. By tracking expenses related to recruitment and hiring, organisations can identify areas for cost optimization, evaluate the return on investment, and make informed decisions about resource allocation.


  • Improve Candidate Experience: Metrics related to candidate experience provide valuable insights into how candidates perceive the recruitment process. By tracking candidate satisfaction or feedback metrics, organisations can identify pain points or areas of improvement in the candidate journey. This allows them to enhance the overall candidate experience, attract top talent, and build a positive employer brand.


  • Assess Quality of Hires: Hiring metrics, such as quality of hire, evaluate the performance and impact of new hires within the organisation. Tracking these metrics helps assess the effectiveness of the hiring process in selecting candidates who align with the organisation's goals and contribute positively to its success.


  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Hiring metrics provide objective data that informs decision-making throughout recruitment. By relying on data rather than assumptions or subjective opinions, organisations can make more informed decisions regarding sourcing strategies, candidate selection, and process improvements.


  • Measure Diversity and Inclusion Efforts: Diversity metrics allow organisations to track the representation of underrepresented groups at various stages of the hiring process. This helps monitor progress in diversity and inclusion initiatives, identify improvement areas, and ensure fair and inclusive hiring practices.


  • Benchmarking and Comparison: Tracking hiring metrics allows organisations to benchmark their performance against industry standards or their own historical data. By comparing metrics over time or with industry benchmarks, organisations can gain insights into their competitiveness, identify best practices, and set realistic goals for improvement.


What Hiring Metrics You Must Track?


While the specific hiring metrics to track may vary based on the organisation's goals and priorities, several key metrics are generally beneficial to monitor. 


Here are some essential hiring metrics that you should consider tracking:


  • Time-to-Fill: This metric measures the number of days it takes to fill a job vacancy from the time it was opened to the offer acceptance by a candidate. It helps evaluate the efficiency of the recruitment process and identify areas where bottlenecks or delays occur.


  • Cost-per-Hire: Cost-per-Hire calculates the expenses incurred during the recruitment and hiring process, including advertising costs, agency fees, software subscriptions, and internal recruitment team salaries. It helps organisations assess the financial efficiency of their hiring efforts and identify opportunities for cost savings.


  • Source of Hire: Source of Hire tracks and analyses where successful candidates originate from, such as job boards, career websites, referrals, social media platforms, or recruitment agencies. This metric helps organisations understand the effectiveness of different sourcing channels and allocate resources accordingly.


  • Applicant Conversion Rate: This metric measures the percentage of applicants progressing through each stage of the hiring process, from application submission to job offer acceptance. It helps evaluate the attractiveness of job postings, application process, and overall candidate experience.


  • Offer Acceptance Rate: Offer Acceptance Rate calculates the percentage of candidates who accept job offers after receiving them. It helps assess the attractiveness of job offers, compensation packages, and candidate experience. A low acceptance rate may indicate the need to review and improve the offer and negotiation process.


  • Quality of Hire: Quality of Hire evaluates the performance and impact of new hires within the organisation. It may be measured through various indicators, such as job performance ratings, productivity metrics, and retention rates. This metric helps assess the effectiveness of the hiring process in selecting candidates who contribute positively to the organisation.


  • Diversity Metrics: Diversity Metrics track the representation of underrepresented groups in the applicant pool, interview process, and final hires. It helps organisations monitor their diversity and inclusion efforts and ensure fairness in the hiring process.


  • Candidate Satisfaction: Candidate Satisfaction measures the level of satisfaction among job applicants with the overall hiring experience. This can be gathered through surveys or feedback mechanisms. High candidate satisfaction indicates a positive employer brand and candidate experience, which can attract top talent.


HyreSnap Interview as a Service


Hiring metrics play an important role in the hiring process of every company. Hence, you must learn ‘what metrics you must track?’ and ‘how to track them?’. Though it will cost you some time and resources, it will help you improve your hiring decisions.


If you are running out of time and lack resources, we recommend you check HyreSnap Interview as a Service platform. It is an artificial intelligence-powered platform that helps companies to execute tech interviews and hire suitable candidates for different positions.


Here are some features that you will encounter while using our IaaS platform:



  • 500+ Subject Matter Experts
  • Experience of Conducting 2500+ Interviews
  • AI-Based Performance Reports
  • Interview Recordings
  • Personalised Interview Solutions



The Bottom Line


You must track essential hiring metrics to refine your hiring process and hire suitable candidates for your company.

If you need any help with the process, contact or interview experts at info@hyresnap.com. Our experts will help you conduct all tech interviews and hire the best candidates for diverse tech positions.