10 tips that make you a SMART Interviewer

3 Min read

In any job, the interviewer plays a crucial role in the hiring process. Interviewers are responsible for assessing a candidate's skills, qualifications and fit for a position. They also help to ensure that the company makes the best possible hiring decision.

While there are many different types of interviews, there are some commonalities that all interviewers should keep in mind. 



You’re going to learn:
Be prepared
Ask questions that assess skills and qualifications
Be aware of your own body language
Be aware of the signals you are sending to the candidate
Be fair and consistent in your assessment of candidates
Take the time to get to know the candidate
Avoid making assumptions about the candidate
Be aware of your own biases
Ask follow-up questions
Provide feedback to the candidate


Here are 10 tips for interviewer:


1. Be prepared


The most important thing an interviewer can do is to be prepared. This means having a good understanding of the job requirements and the company's culture. It also means being familiar with the candidate's resume and application materials.


2. Ask questions that assess skills and qualifications


The best interview questions are those that assess a candidate's skills and qualifications. Some examples of skills-based questions include:

- Can you describe a time when you had to solve a difficult problem?

- Can you give me an example of a project you led and what the results were?

- What are your strengths and weaknesses?


3. Be aware of your own body language


Your body language communicates a lot to the candidate. Be aware of the signals you are sending. For example, sit up straight and make eye contact to show that you are interested and engaged.


4. Be aware of the signals you are sending to the candidate


In addition to your body language, your words and tone of voice also convey messages to the candidate. Be aware of the signals you are sending and adjust accordingly.


5. Be fair and consistent in your assessment of candidates


It is important to be fair and consistent in your assessment of candidates. This means that you should not let your personal biases influence your assessment.


6. Take the time to get to know the candidate


The interview is an opportunity to get to know the candidate on a personal level. This can be helpful in assessing whether the candidate is a good fit for the job and the company.


7. Avoid making assumptions about the candidate


It is important to avoid making assumptions about the candidate. This includes assumptions about their qualifications, skills, and experience.


8. Be aware of your own biases


We all have personal biases that can influence our decision-making. Be aware of your own biases and try to set them aside when assessing a candidate.


9. Ask follow-up questions


Follow-up questions can be helpful in getting more information from the candidate. They can also help to clarify any confusion about the candidate's qualifications or experience.


10. Provide feedback to the candidate


It is important to provide feedback to the candidate, both positive and negative. This feedback can help the candidate to improve their performance in future interviews.


As an interviewer, it is important to be confident, assess skills correctly, and get insights into the candidate in order to make the right hiring decision. However, it is also important to lighten up the situation and not be too serious. By following these tips, you will be able to conduct a successful interview.